The principle of operation of cooling ceiling systems:


Cool water flow through meander-formed copper pipes, which are tight on aluminum profiles that play a role of conductors. Each element, so called ‘register’, is a heat-exchanger that can be connected with ceiling panel made of steel, aluminum, wood or plaster plate. Register takes heat giving back nice cool, whereas energy flows from heat-exchanger elements to cool water. Depending on energy flow, proper set of exchangers should be chosen – the more heat is delivered the bigger receipt should be. In order to avoid steam condensation on ceiling and to absorb dormant energy from out of space one should regulate temperature of incoming cold water taking also into account outside humidity. When it’s to sultry incoming temperature should be raised. If interior temperature increases and cooling ceiling still collects heat then to avoid steam condensation one should also apply air inflow. The advantages of ceiling system are their possibilities to cooling as well as heating.

The principle of operation of cooling ceiling systems:

The effectiveness of the system depends on matching the parameters of the room temperature and the temperature of the water supply. Besides, a large extent also depends on the materials from which the ceiling is made, i.e. aluminum, steel, plaster or wood. Additional impact on the effectiveness of the system has the external appearance of the ceiling, the width of the grout used, the system and method of assembly or convection method i.e. mechanical or free flow. Conventional air conditioning systems, air cooling systems absorb heat by convection or air movement in the room.
Systems of cooling and heating ceilings are called "silent-cooling", what allows gaining advantage and be definitely ahead of older technologies.
